Eddie Douthwaite, until recently Chairman of Freedom to Choose (Scotland), gave the following interview to Leith FM nearly two years ago – when the skies were full of volcanic ash from Iceland. Eddie gave the interviewers some enlightening new angles on the smoking ban issue, and the switchboards lit up. Listen below.

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Eddie Douthwaite on Radio Leith FM
Eddie – the ferret – an exemplary interview and one we will build on. Thanks for all you've done.
ASH-UK says: " Within 10-15 years of quitting smoking, an ex-smoker's risk of developing lung cancer is only slightly greater than that of a never-smoker."
Since a never-smoker's lung cancer can not be blamed on their having smoked, an ex-smoker with about the same risk should have the same lack of causality.
Do you have any data showing the percentage of current ex's that quit over 15 years ago?
Gary K.
No I don't have anything as detailed as that Gary.
Just noticed this Belinda, thanks very much for your kind words.
The fight against Tobacco Control still goes on.
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