Wednesday 18 July 2012

Fedcaf crusade against the smoking ban: diary, pictures and press coverage


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It is obviously much too early to draw definitive conclusions and assessing results. But there are some findings that we now can say with certainty:
1. From our visits to the outlets in various cities shows conclusively that the loss of turnover confirms itself around -30% . The government recently published figures as there would be in the hospitality industry growth of 4% have been hit clearly not in the subdivision of houses, as we previously reported!2. There is a great fighting spirit in the pub-owners, for the simple reason that it has a survival battle.3. More than 2/3 of the non-smoking bar customers are against the smoking ban in bars.4. Many cafe owners are not well informed about everything about the smoking ban. Also, most have never received any letter from the government.What they know is from the press.
More of this is needed!

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