Thursday 30 June 2011

UK National Smoking Cessation Conference 2011: book of abstracts

Download here. You can study at your leisure abstracts of the presentations at this summer's smoking cessation trade fair – most of them, that is, except the one for the presentation by public health minister Anne Milton, which was not available at the time of going to press (see p. 50).

The subject areas are harm reduction; prisons, probation and mental health; payment by results; campaigns; tactics of the tobacco industry.

In the middle of the brochure there is (as one might expect) a helpful section called 'Information from our sponsors', starting with a full page of 'information' about Champix, followed by 'information' about other kinds of smoking cessation medications (can double your chance to quit), followed by 'information' about a helpful organisation called the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, which does pretty much what it says on the tin. Out there in the real world we could call this 'information' advertising, indicating the clear possibility of a commercial interest in the success of the conference, but we wouldn't want anyone to think that the pharmaceutical interests in question had anything to gain from government-endorsed smoking cessation campaigns, surely? (shhh, don't tell the World Health Organisation!)

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