Friday, 14 October 2011

Pell and asthma again

Pellbuster-in-chief Chris Snowdon compares Professor Jill Pell's asthma claims with official figures on asthma hospital admissions in children since the Scottish smoking ban.

You can hear Jill Pell in Edinburgh at the Scottish Smoking Cessation Conference 2011 – free of charge (unless you fail to show after registering). The programme is here.

One of Chris's readers suggests sending the link to the New England Journal of Medicine (publisher of both Jill Pell's asthma study last year and her notorious heart attack study in 2008), to Professor Pell and to BBC Radio 4's More or Less programme. I've done all three this evening.


Anonymous said...

I thought the premise of a "journal" was to indeed permit and encourage commentary and peer review of what is being claimed by the authors. In that case, a report on her false use of numbers to the NEJM should be considered very important information to be told, that Pell has in fact lied again. It didn't stop the paid anti-smokers from bad-mouthing Kabbat and Enstrom on their released study proving SHS was of no harm what-so-ever - and in that case, in the BMJ, they didn't even cite statistical or clinical evidence to the contrary - they simply bad-mouthed the two honest researchers who reported the straight facts of SHS having no harm what-so-ever - because it disagreed with the paid anti-smokers' agenda, the thing for which they get paid, being political. I think it's very fair that others commment on the NEJM publishing scientific fraud like the Pell studies and not let them go unchallenged.

Xopher said...

"I've done all three this evening."
Well done you.
Their responses will be ..........

Belinda said...

... reported here :)

Belinda said...

... nothing to report!