Wednesday 15 December 2010

Wiel on Talksport

Now (Wednesday night from 10.00) you can listen to and participate in the debate on Talksport. Lots of opposition to the ban being expressed.  Go here and listen in. The number is 08717 223344 if you wish to call the show. The show ends at 1.00 am: the discussion ends when people stop calling and emailing the show.

11.00 pm: the debate is still going strong ...


Dick Puddlecote said...

Good or bad?

Belinda said...

quite good on the whole, the presenter is friendly (although not saying *all* the right things) and has just ask listeners whether they would support an amendment to the ban to allow smoking rooms.

Anonymous said...

Letters page of The Scotsman.

Eddie Douthwaite said...

If you missed the programme or want to hear it again you can listen on this link.