Friday, 30 July 2010

Survey: ASH Scotland Tobacco Control Strategy

ASH Scotland Survey: on subjects like helping people give up smoking, discouraging them smoking in the home and in the car. There is a space for comments.

No doubt this will be circulated among ASH's contacts in Tobacco Control and used to prove that the public overwhelmingly supports ASH.


Smoking Hot said...

When CRUK published a press release on how the public were in favour of banning tobacco displays and cigarette machines. They quoted a survey done by Yougov that they commissioned.

So, l contacted Yougov and CRUK with a request for more information on this survey.

Response? .... zero,zilch. Not even an acknowledgement or refusal :)

Smoking Hot said...

This CRUK press release

Belinda said...

oh yes, yougov ...

British Heart Foundation is also urging the public to lobby on vending machines and tobacco displays: But I don't think they commit the same resources to tobacco control that CRUK blatantly does - thousands in funding research every year. Unless I'm missing something?

Smoking Hot said...

Oh, l shall respond to CRUK ... watch this space. :)