Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Today, Save our Pubs and Clubs Campaign goes to Westminster

BBC report here, and This is Bristol here. A reception will be held at Westminster today for the campaign to amend the smoking ban, involving three MPs, Forest, publicans and others. It will send a message that many, many people are not happy with the comprehensive smoking ban and see no reason that smokers must have nowhere to socialise except in their own homes.

Asking for permission to set up smoking rooms is a risky strategy as it concedes that secondary smoking is itself a specific problem that requires a legislative solution. The only legislative solution required is regulated indoor air quality standards. dealing not only with cigarette smoke but with all air-borne pollutants. No legislation is required to regulate where people may smoke in business establishments, or whether staff may enter specific areas to carry out their duties. The air must be cleared free of toxins, so that people can work anywhere.

Freedom to Choose (Scotland) supports the campaign to amend the ban, but would prefer the approach offered here. Still, it is magnificent to see growing opposition to the smoking ban – I look forward to hearing more reports of the day.

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