Monday, 9 August 2010

Safe level of secondary smoke discovered!

In an interview with the Staffordshire Sentinal, a West Midlands environmental officer claims that a study 'found a child [in a car] inhales three times the amount of smoke that would be considered safe to inhale over the course of a day'.

So did the World Health Organisation, urging countries everywhere to ban smoking indoors.

So did Ottawa City Hall, urging outdoor smoking bans everywhere.

So what level of secondary smoke is it safe for someone to inhale? I think we should be told ...


Unknown said...

There is no safe level of ANYTHING so why is SHS singled out for research? Oh, money, never thought of that!

Belinda said...

what a cynic you are, TBY!

Chris said...

God help the kids if we fart in the car?(is that Toxic)

Dave K said...

Actually, the better, more complete studies, which are called cohort studies, find that just about any level of secondhand smoke is safe.

Belinda said...

I should be getting a copy of this study in the post. Hope to read in lots of detail about a safe level of secondary smoke.

Michael J. McFadden said...

3x the safe level in a car eh?

Well, since they claim that a car is 23x smokier than a smoker's home, I guess that means that growing up with a smoker smoking in the house is 20x safer than safe!

Wow! Nice!!! Great catch guys! I always knew you Scots had somethin' up under them kilts!

Michael J. McFadden
Author of "Dissecting Antismokers' Brains"

Unknown said...

Aye Michael, we've got Eddie Douthwaite under OUR kilts. (Althought I hope not under Belinda's otherwise that other Michael might not be too pleased hahaha.